Doorwin Announcement for Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Thanks for all your kind support on Doorwin Group. We keep providing quality and safety products for you. Nowadays, many countries are affected by the spread of the novel coronavirus strain, and the associated COVID-19 disease. Doorwin Group, as one of the leading window manufacturers in China, we take the safety of person and products as first priority.
We insist all the staff not to take any business trip or travel to other places. We are taking active actions to reduce the spread of virus. We do regular workplace hygiene every day. We test the temperate of person with non-contact infrared thermometers. All of staff have to wear masks during the time in office and wash their hands when their arrive before leaving for work. We try to keep one meter away from each other in the premise.
People receiving packages from China might worry about contracting Coronavirus (COVID-19). From previous analysis, we know coronavirus do not survive long on objects, such as packages or products. You can read more information from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
We are continuously monitoring the latest news and situations of coronavirus (COVID-19) and taking actions to reduce the spread of the virus. We believe everything will return to normal soon.
Thank you all.
Doorwin Group